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Emergency Surgery Department

Time:2023/8/7 9:39:32

Emergency Surgery Department was established on June 9, 2020, with 10 members, including Emergency Surgery Unit, Trauma Surgery Unit, and Wound Repair Center, with an annual surgical volume of about 800 procedures.It has taken the lead in jointly building Trauma Center, being preparing for the declaration of creating the National Regional Trauma Center.

The Emergency Surgery and Trauma Surgery Unit focuses on emergency trauma care, with emergency outpatient clinics and wards under it, forming a new model of surgical emergency care that is a trinity of emergency care, first aid and surgery. Members of the unit have skillful trauma treatment skills, as well as rich experience in general surgery and minimally invasive surgery. The main diagnosis and treatment scope includes acute abdomen, severe trauma, multiple injuries, compound injuries and many general surgery emergencies. Every year, the department presides over more than 100 cases of multiple injuries and compound injuries in the hospital, and shortens the in-hospital emergency treatment time of severe trauma patients to less than one hour, which greatly improves the success rate of severe trauma patients and reduces the mortality rate of severe trauma patients.

Wound repair center unit is China's would repair construction and cultivation unit, as well as the allied unit of Zhejiang Province would repair and transformation application center.The main scope of diagnosis and treatment include: 1. diabetic foot, chronic ulcers on body surface, decubitus ulcers, gouty nodule infection, "Old Rotten Legs" and other difficult-to-heal wounds; 2. gastrointestinal fistulas, chronic sinus tracts, surgical infected incisions, etc.; 3. Acute surgical infections such as body abscess, breast abscess, acute necrotizing fasciitis, etc.; 4. Burns, serious skin abrasions and contusions, skin defects, scars on body surface. By means of "Internet + Medical Treatment", wound repair center integrates the resources of specialist nurses in this department and carries out the mode of Internet + Home Care, which extends the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic difficult-to-heal wounds from the hospital to homes, and greatly improves patients' satisfaction with the medical treatment.

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252 Baili East Road, Lucheng , Wenzhou (325000)

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