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Wenzhou Central Hospital has 2 provincial and municipal key disciplines (neurology and tumor radiotherapy), 2 Zhejiang regional special disease centers (neurosurgery and hematology), 6 Wenzhou key discipline groups (brain, tumor diagnosis and treatment, prenatal diagnosis, cerebrovascular disease, infectious disease and chest pain). There are 4 Wenzhou brand disciplines in clinical neurology, cardiovascular medicine, oncology and infection, and 15 Wenzhou key medical disciplines in urinary surgery, gastroenterology, radiotherapy, surgical oncology, clinical pharmacy, neurology, emergency medicine, cardiovascular medicine, ultrasound medicine, neurosurgery, hematology, infection, hepatobiliary surgery, clinical laboratory diagnostics, and gynecology.

Key Disciplinary Departments

1.Clinical Neurology Department

Clinical Neurology Department of Wenzhou Central Hospital is Advanced Stroke Center of National Health and Family Planning Commission, Stroke Prevention and Control Base Hospital of National Health and Family Planning Commission, Wenzhou Stroke (Cerebrovascular Disease) Medical Quality Control Center, Pioneering Department of Wenzhou Brain and Cerebrovascular Disease Disciplinary Group, including Zhejiang Province Regional Special Disease Center, Wenzhou City key specialties, the First Wenzhou Ouyue Sun Jun (a Famous Doctor) Studio. Currently, the clinical neurology of the hospital is taking the leading position in south Zhejiang and north Fujian, in which the clinical efficacy and academic status of interventional therapy of cerebrovascular disease neurology have been in a leading domestic and provincial level. Shanghai Huashan Hospital Neurosurgery Academician Zhou Liangfu Workstation, National Health and Family Planning Commission Advanced Stroke Center and Stroke Prevention and Treatment Base are built to benefit the locals of Wenzhou. It strives to create a provincial key discipline, and becomes a first-class neurology, neurosurgery medical center and cerebrovascular disease prevention and treatment center in Zhejiang Province.

2.Cardiovascular Medicine Department

Cardiovascular Medicine Department of Wenzhou Central Hospital is a key disciplinary department in Wenzhou, with 2 inpatient wards, 77 open beds and 7 CCU beds. There are 58 medical personnel, including 6 professors, 4 associate professors, 10 attending doctors and 11 resident doctors. It is equipped with 2 fully-informationalized digital catheter rooms, cardiac rehabilitation center, ultrasonic cardiogram room, electrocardiogram room and cardiac function examination room. The department is equipped with coronary heart disease intervention room, pace-making electrophysiology room, cardiac rehabilitation room, hypertensive heart failure room, and ultrasound imaging room.

Our department has been certified by National Chest Pain Center, National Atrial Fibrillation Center, National Rehabilitation Center and National Hypertension Normalization Center. It has taken the lead in the establishment of Wenzhou Sub-center of National Cardiovascular Disease Center Hypertension Medical Treatment Alliance. Passing national GCP certification, the department has established Wenzhou Central Hospital Chest Pain Center Alliance, Atrial Fibrillation Center Alliance, Cardiac Rehabilitation Alliance, Wenzhou Central Hospital "ECG Diagnosis and Treatment Center", and Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Expert Station. It has also participated in the national multi-center registration and study of "Ambulatory Blood Pressure Normalization Action among 10,000 People".

3.Oncology Department

Oncology department of Wenzhou Central Hospital is the earliest unit to carry out tumor radiotherapy in Wenzhou, and it is a key medical department jointly established by Zhejiang Province and Wenzhou city. Wenzhou Radiotherapy Center, Tumor Quality Control Center, Tumor Prevention and Treatment Center, and Tumor Accurate Treatment Center are affiliated to this unit. It is the independent oncology department with the most complete radiotherapy equipment, the most complete oncologic disciplinary configuration and the most comprehensive approaches of carrying out tumor treatment in Wenzhou.

In order to make it further develop in comprehensive strength, our hospital has cooperated with domestic famous big hospitals in tumor brand disciplines, and now it has completed the establishment of close medical alliance cooperation with Shanghai Fudan University Cancer Hospital. In addition, in order to respond positively to the cooperation between University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Wenzhou, the Municipal Health Commission has proposed to the main leader of the Provincial Health Construction Commission that Wenzhou Cancer Hospital become the Wenzhou Branch Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Affiliated Tumor Hospital to further enhance the overall level of the hospital's tumor prevention and treatment and accelerate the construction of a high-level center for tumor prevention and treatment in Wenzhou area.

4.Infection Department

Infection Department of Wenzhou Central Hospital is currently the pioneering unit of Wenzhou key discipline groups, and one of the key disciplinary departments in Wenzhou. It is a specialized hospital in Wenzhou for the treatment of various types of infectious diseases, including liver disease, tuberculosis, AIDS, new outbreaks of infectious diseases, etc., with professional clinical, teaching and scientific research teams.

The treatment system for new and sudden infectious diseases is becoming more and more mature. Remarkable achievements are made in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, which was highly recognized by the provincial party committee and provincial government, the municipal party committee and municipal government, and was awarded the collective commendation. On January 17, the department received and cured the first case of ordinary COVID-19 pneumonia in Zhejiang Province, and afterwards the first case of COVID-19 pneumonia severe patient and critically ill patient were cured. The first case of  ordinary patient, the first case of severe patient and the first case of critically ill patient were in the infection department. A total of 141 cases were admitted, including ordinary patients, severe patients and critically ill patients, and all of them were cured and discharged from the hospital.

In the past three years, 110-130 cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients have been found every year, ranking the first place among municipal designated hospitals all over Zhejiang Province. The indicators of tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment have exceeded the average level of Zhejiang Province, and most of the indicators are ranked in the front. The capacity and level of tracheoscopic diagnosis and treatment have greatly improved, with more than 1,000 cases of tracheoscopic diagnosis and treatment conducted every year. Drug-resistant tuberculosis-related research and treatment programs have been recognized internationally.

The ICU treatment team for infectious diseases has been gradually growing, with its capacity and level continuously improved, especially organ function replacement therapy, such as the capacity and level of mechanical ventilation, CRRT, etc. The city's critically ill patients with infectious diseases are basically treated centrally, and the success rate of treatment is being continuously increased, which has been recognized by hospitals and patients' families, thus having won a good reputation.

Key Laboratories

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Birth Defects

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Birth Defects was approved for construction in 2013 on the basis of the central laboratory of Wenzhou Central Hospital under the background of Wenzhou Key Discipline Group of Prenatal Diagnosis. The Key Laboratory of Birth Defects conducts in-depth research on the incidence and pathogenesis of birth defects in Wenzhou, the development and clinical transformation of new diagnosis technologies for birth defects, aiming at guiding the formulation of birth defects disease prevention programs and clinical implementation in Wenzhou.

At present, there are 25 regular staff in the laboratory, and seven of them have senior professional titles, accounting for 28% of the total number. The Key Laboratory of Birth Defects is integrated on the basis of Central Laboratory, Prenatal Diagnostic Center, Ultrasonography Laboratory, Pediatrics Department and Obstetrics Department. It covers an area of 1,200 square meters and has basic experimental research platform, cytology research platform, molecular research platform, high-throughput sequencing research platform, and biological sample bank of birth defects. Well-equipped, the laboratory owns the fixed equipment amounting to 12 million Yuan, including high-throughput sequencer, multi-functional enzyme labeling instrument, Biorad chemiluminescence instrument, inverted fluorescence microscope, fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument, 3130 sequencer and so on.

Since its construction in 2013, the laboratory has undertaken the diagnosis of birth defects in Wenzhou. Up to over 120 cases of chromosomal abnormalities and single-gene genetic diseases are discovered annually, which has really realizes the goal of preventing and controlling clinical birth defects. So far, it has published a total of 23 academic papers, including 8 SCI articles, 8 Chinese series articles and 7 core journals. It has undertaken 14 provincial and municipal science and technology projects, 5 provincial projects, 9 municipal projects, with a total funding of 280,000 yuan, and 320,000 yuan of supporting funds from the hospital, totaling 600,000 yuan. Within the construction cycle, the laboratory got great support from the hospital, and renovated 600 square meters of space, which is mainly used for diagnostic experiment of birth defects. Newly-purchased equipment amount to more than 5 million yuan, including the use of supporting funds of more than 2.4 million yuan. We have introduced 1 doctor, 8 masters and 1 doctor in training.

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Accurate Medical Test

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Accurate Medical Test was approved for construction from September 2021 and is currently under construction. Research content mainly includes: 1. rare disease accurate gene diagnosis and pathogenesis research, 2. common cancer accurate gene diagnosis research, 3. pathogenic microbial disease metagenome accurate diagnosis research. At present, we have established a platform for the screening of salivary triple (SMA/deafness/degenerative poverty) gene carriers, a base for the cultivation and promotion of practical new technologies and appropriate technologies for hygiene and health in Zhejiang Province, a national demonstration base for the prevention of rare diseases, and a platform for the study of pathogenic mechanisms of rare diseases. Scientific research achievements completed from September 2021 to the present include 2 initiated projects of Zhejiang Provincial natural science fund exploration, 2 initiated projects of Zhejiang Provincial medical and health science and technology, 9 declared municipal projects, 1 municipal major subject, 6 initiated projects, 1 clinical trial project, and 2 declared Zhejiang basic public welfare projects. We have added 4 provincial and ministerial projects, published such papers as 6 SCI articles, 1 Chinese journal, 2 national journals, 2 invention patents and 3 utility model patents. The next step is to build a research platform for accurate medical test to reveal the pathogenesis of common rare diseases, and establish  new screening and diagnostic techniques and apply them to the clinic.

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment

Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment was approved for construction in 2021, and is currently under construction. It covers an area of 1530 ㎡, and the value of instruments and equipment equals to 14,519,800 yuan. The main scopes of research are as follows: 1 Focus on the research of emerging infectious diseases monitoring system and the construction of rapid pathogenicity testing capacity system; 2 tuberculosis, drug-resistant tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment and drug-resistant testing reagent research; 3 AIDS treatment monitoring, drug-resistant genes and concurrent infection research; 4 non-tuberculosis mycobacterium diagnosis and treatment and its drug-resistant mechanism research; 5 infection and immunity research (infections and allergic reaction of arbovirus diseases).

Since its construction, Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment is mainly based on Wenzhou Sixth People's Hospital, and the infectious diseases related departments from provincial and municipal hospitals, and Wenzhou Disease Control Center  participate in the co-construction for the realization the infectious disease scientific research platform of co-building disciplines, sharing platform and complementing technology. At the same time, domestic well-known teams are actively leveraged to facilitate team building and discipline development. We actively make the shared services open to the public, having been available to more than 50 personnel of the units under our medical group, to 40 undergraduate students of Wenzhou Medical University for experimental teaching, 3 trainees engaged in advanced training, and 5 visitors for study and exchange.

The scientific achievements include 12 SCI papers published on Lancet Infectious Diseases, etc., with IF totaling 91 papers and 646 citations, and obtaining 20 intellectual property rights, including 7 invention patents. The results of this project have demonstrated China's power in the global fight against the epidemic of COVID-19 and have made outstanding contributions to the fight against the epidemic nationwide and worldwide, and achieved good economic and social benefits. As a major participant, the laboratory was awarded one first prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award (2021) and one first prize of Ningbo Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award (2021). The laboratory will continue to improve the construction of scientific research platform, increase the budget for scientific research instruments and equipment, and further enhance the capacity of scientific research and platform sharing.

Pan-Vascular Disease Management Center Laboratory

Pan-Vascular Disease Management Center Laboratory was approved for construction by our hospital in 2022 and is currently under construction. The laboratory covers an area of more than 1,200㎡, with equipment worth a total of 38,065,000 yuan, including AnueFlow® (the intracranial vascular image processing software) and and AccuFFRangio (the internationally-advanced coronary artery function assessment and analysis system for coronary angiography) independently developed by ArteryFlow Technology.

The goal of the laboratory is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of pan-vascular diseases by initiating a full chain of management of early screening, early diagnosis, early treatment and long-term follow-up for people who have been diagnosed with ASCVD or have major risk factors. The laboratory is exploring new strategies for early diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and control of pan-vascular diseases under the guidance of clinical multi-omics in order to establish a perfect management system for pan-vascular diseases and promote its application. In the future, pan-vascular diseases will adopt a panoramic management model to create a platform for prevention and diagnosis, scientific research, and innovation transformation, and realize multidisciplinary collaboration and panoramic, full-cycle, and multi-center management.

The development plan is to establish a prevention and control model combining clinical pathway and group pathway for cardio-cerebral and peripheral vascular diseases in Wenzhou and become a national tertiary prevention demonstration base of pan-vascular diseases. Establish a standardized platform and quality control standards for pan-vascular accurate genetic test. Open up the disciplinary restrictions in the pan-vascular field, establish an inter-disciplinary communication and information sharing mechanism, cross-borrow hemodynamics-related therapeutic protocols and clinical ideas between angiocarpy, cerebral vessel, and peripheral vessel, carry out joint research on common major scientific issues and strategic directions to promote collaborative innovation. Establish a large vascular plaque biospecimen bank.

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252 Baili East Road, Lucheng , Wenzhou (325000)

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