Patient Care
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How to Make Appointments:

Telephone appointment: Call 114, 12580 or 88882121.

On-site appointment: Make appointments atself-service machines, triage desks on related floors, or in service centers.

Consulting room appointment: Make appointment for further consultation at doctor stations.

Onlineappointment: Visit 202207121627225759.jpg , then click Wenzhou Central Hospital for appointment.

WeChat appointment: Follow the official account wzszxyy of Wenzhou Central Hospital for appointment.


Handling Time:

On-site appointment: Normal business hours from Monday to Friday.

Online appointment, WeChat appointment, telephone appointment (114, 12580): Available 24 hours.


Time Limit of Appointments and Registrations:

Appointmentsfor registrations must be made more than one day in advance to get an appointment number of doctors within four weeks after the appointments.


Real-name Appointments:

Provide the details of patients’ real names, ID numbers, passport numbers, cellphone numbers and other information. The names provided at the time of appointments must be the same as the ones on the visiting cards, or else you will not be able to get visiting numbers even if the appointmentsare successful.


Confirmation of Appointments:

Please arrive at the hospital before the appointment time, and confirm the numbers at the self-service machines or the triage desks on the related floors, and wait for consultation at the corresponding departments. If you do not confirm the appointment number 30 minutes after the appointment time, the appointment number will automatically become invalid, and you will get new numbers at the triage desks.


Cancellation of Appointments:

For those who have already made an appointment, if you really can't keep the appointment on schedule, please call the appointment hotline or visit the appointment website in advance to cancel the appointment, or else it will be treated as failing to keep an appointment, and those who have done so twice will enter dishonesty blacklist, and will not be able to make an appointment within 2 months.


Suspension of Medical Services:

Please understand that if the appointed physician is unable to attend the clinic according to the schedule for special reasons, information system will automatically notify the appointed patient by text message to change the physician or change the appointment time, and if it is too late to notify the physician in case of temporary emergencies, the triage nurses will arrange other doctors to offer medical diagnosis services.

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252 Baili East Road, Lucheng , Wenzhou (325000)

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